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Scott Hoadley


Inflammation in Periodontal Disease a Red Flag for Cancer

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By not taking care of your teeth there is more on the line than tooth decay and periodontal disease – although that’s bad enough. Practicing good oral hygiene may be lifesaving according to a number of research studies.

Studies show a connection between Gum disease and a 63% HIgher Pancreatic Cancer in Men

The link between several systemic illnesses including diabetes, heart disease, strokes and gum disease has been well documented. Cancer is also on that list. A study carried out by the Harvard University School of Public Health published in January 2007, in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, revealed a connection in advanced gum disease and a 63% higher incidence of pancreatic cancer in men. Additional research reported in the esteemed Lancet Oncology journal, affirmed that the risk of cancer increases when periodontal disease is present. Even moderate gum disease contributed an increased risk of cancer, including blood, kidney and lung cancers in smokers as well as non-smokers.

Risk of Kidney Cancer, Leukemia and Lung Cancer Increase with Gum Disease

An American and British research team at Harvard University and the Imperial College in London examined the health records of 50,000 patients, data that had been compiled over 21 years. Their findings showed a 50% increase in the chance of kidney cancer, a 30% greater occurrence of blood cancers that included leukemia and a 33% rise in the risk of lung cancer among individuals with gum disease. The most frightening cases involved advanced, chronic gum disease which showed a 4 times higher increase in neck and head cancer for every millimeter of bone loss around teeth. Although the exact reason behind this specific connection is still subject to comprehensive ongoing research, a significant amount of attention is being directed to the oral biofilm (an intricate community of billions of bacteria thriving in the mouth), the inflammatory process and the condition of the immune response.

Excess Biofilm in the Mouth is the underlying cause of Gum Disease

When everything is in balance (also known as homeostasis), the oral biofilm protects our bodies, supporting its ability to live. When the balance is disturbed, the oral biofilm generates bad bacteria (pathogens) that cause gum disease. In addition, these pathogens can get into your circulatory system and cause a myriad of health problems. Pathogenic bacteria and associated toxins alert your immune system of potential problems (triggering the inflammation process), causing the liver to generate CRP (C-reactive protein). C-reactive protein concentrations cause inflammatory side effects on arteries, making it possible for the bacteria to attach and form harmful plaques within the arterial vessels.

Periodontal disease has been recognized as the body’s most significant source of low grade, chronic inflammation. This leads to a decrease in the immune system response, eventually causing irreversible damage to it, which has been identified as a probable variable in the elevated cancer risk.

New Medical Device that’s FDA approved to help treat periodontal disease right at home

The treatment of periodontal disease takes diligent attention to good oral health, fighting the formation of unhealthy dental plaque and the beginning signs of gum disease. Following doctor prescribed dental practices can save and add years to your life and life to your years. A dentist in Holland Michigan has recently developed a medical device to help treat this disease at home.  


Link Between Periodontal Disease and Oral Cancer

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The Dental Air Force is a home dental cleaning system that replaces tooth brushing and oral irrigation.Learn More

There is a strong relationship between periodontal disease and oral cancer.  In patients with tongue cancer, the periodontal disease preceded the tongue cancer.

Although periodontal disease and oral cancers are both located in the mouth, until recently, there was never thought to be a connection between the two. New evidence is coming to light to show that those with periodontal disease increase their risk of tongue cancer.

There are many causes of oral cancer – unhealthy diets rich in sugars, poor diets, large consumption of tobacco, heavy alcohol consumption and heredity. In addition, there are different types of oral cancers – lip, tongue and really anywhere in the mouth. Tongue cancer is the most common and the most dangerous. The chance of this disease is high in men who over age 60, less in those below 40 years of age and less in women.

In the primary stages of tongue cancer, a small lump or thick white patch appears on the tongue and later is converted into an ulcer. If it is not treated properly, cancer spreads to other places in the mouth, such as gums, lower jaw, lymph nodes and neck. When the tumor enlarges the tongue also becomes more rigid and the ability for the movement of the tongue is reduced. The tumor may also affect speech and swallowing.

Common Symptoms of Tongue Cancer

The common symptoms of oral cancer are patches inside the mouth, lips that are white, lips that are both red and white, a sore on the lip or in the mouth that won’t heal, bleeding in the mouth, difficulty in swallowing, a lump in the neck, or loose teeth.

Treatment Methods for Oral Cancer

The treatment methods for oral cancers are surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy. The combination of treatments may vary depending on the patient’s stage. A pain relieving treatment is recommended for patients to decrease the side effects.

Surgery is used to remove the tumor in the mouth. This is the standard treatment for oral cancer. Radiation therapy is also an essential method of treatment. This is given only in the affected area. This treatment is given for those who have small tumors and surgery is not indicated. Radiation may be used before or after surgery to kill the cancer cells.

2 Types of radiation therapy to treat oral cancer

There are two types of radiation therapy used to treat oral cancer – external radiation and internal radiation. In external radiation, the radiation comes from a machine. In internal radiation, the radiation comes from radioactive material placed in seeds, needles or thin plastic tubes put directly in the tissue. Chemotherapy is another method of treatment. In this method, anticancer drugs are used to kill cancer cells.

Signs & Causes of Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease is a chronic infectious inflammation of the tooth and gums. Signs of periodontal disease are bad breath that won’t go away, red or swollen gums, tender or bleeding gums, painful chewing, loose teeth or sensitive teeth. Although late stages of periodontal disease show signs, early stages do not, so regular six-month visits to the dentist are recommended. Causes of periodontal disease are poor oral hygiene, smoking, some medications, some illnesses and genetic susceptibility.

A regular toothbrush breaks down after each us and harbors bacteria. The Dental Air Force is a complete dental cleaning solution available in the home. Dental Air Force eliminates hard-to-remove plaque and kills bacteria which causes periodontal disease.
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Recent Study Concludes that Periodontitis was Associated with Tongue Cancer

In a recent study, the gum disease periodontitis was associated with an increased risk of developing tongue cancer. Dr. Mine Terzal, from the University at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine in New York, and colleagues compared 51 white men with newly diagnosed cancer of the tongue to 54 cancer-free “controls” who were seen during the same period. The study excluded people younger than 21 years, those who lacked teeth, had any previous malignancy, and those with a weakened immune system.

The Archives of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery reported that each millimeter reduction in bone was associated with a 5-fold rise in the risk of tongue cancer.

“Periodontitis is a chronic disease that progresses very slowly,” Dr. Terzal noted. “Seeing alveolar bone loss on X-rays indicates the infection has existed for decades, making it clear that periodontitis preceded the cancer diagnosis, and not vice-versa.”

Decreasing the risk of periodontal disease will decrease the risk of tongue cancer

Periodic self-examination of your mouth is the best way to detect the early signs of oral and throat cancer. Cleaning your teeth at least 2 times a day and visiting the dentist 2-3 time a year are recommended for good oral hygiene and decreasing the risk of periodontal disease. Since the studies concluded that there is a strong relationship between periodontal diseases and oral cancer, decreasing the risk of periodontal disease will also decrease the risk of tongue cancer.

Dr. Piero, a practicing dentist for over twenty-five years, is the inventor of Dental Air Force®. Call 616-399-8511 or visit www.dentalairforce.com. Interviews or articles are available on periodontal health related to heart disease, respiratory health, diabetes, strokes, and other systemic diseases.

Once you’ve used Dental Air Force, you’ll know you’ve found the best way to keep your teeth clean and white between visits to the dentist. Here’s what some of our clients have had to say about their experience with the total cleaning power of Dental Air Force.


Evidence Suggests that One Way to Live Longer is to Clean Your Teeth Better

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The Dental Air Force is a home dental cleaning system that has been proven to fight against gum disease.Learn More

Besides the most commonly suggested advice of stopping smoking, losing weight, exercise and eating healthier there is more than one way to theoretically live longer.  An often overlooked and underpublicized tip to a healthier body is to keep your teeth clean. In a recent study by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, nearly 80 percent of all adults have some degree of periodontal disease.

Periodontal Disease is the most infectious disease on the earth

Periodontal disease is linked to or is a potential risk factor for those with damaged heart valves, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, respiratory disease and behavioral and psychosocial conditions according to The American Academy of Periodontology, which has been reviewing the data boldly states that “It is the most pervasive infectious disease on earth”.

There are over 500 Species of Bacteria in the Mouth

The cause of this insidious disease stems from the plaque-producing bacteria, found among the almost 500 species of bacteria in the mouth. The bacteria that cause periodontal disease live in the absence of air like it warm, dark and acidic. They provide the furry feeling on teeth upon awakening. This bio-film forms a water resistant, sticky wall around the tooth called plaque. Water alone (swishing or oral irrigating) cannot penetrate this grease barrier to remove plaque. In addition, gums act like a gasket around the tooth, further preventing air or water to reach the “air hating” bacteria along the gum line, making cleaning especially difficult.

A regular toothbrush breaks down after each us and harbors bacteria. The Dental Air Force is a complete dental cleaning solution available in the home. Dental Air Force eliminates hard-to-remove plaque and kills bacteria which causes periodontal disease.
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Within minutes of brushing your teeth, Bacteria (good or bad) start to reproduce dangerous levels of bacteria and exponentially reproduce every hour. This means that if you start off with a bacteria population of 1x (1x being the number of bacteria in your mouth after a professional cleaning – which you can’t achieve in the home), after one hour you have double the population of bacteria, and after two hours you have 4x, then 8x, 16x, etc. Poor cleaning in a few areas will leave heavy concentrations of plaque that can re-populate other areas of the oral cavity.  

Brushing and Flossing Alone Doesn’t Work

To reduce the plaque-producing bacteria in the mouth, one must a) break through the sticky shield with an abrasive, b) cleanse the site, c) aerate the site, and d) neutralize the acid. Normal cleaning methods, like brushing and flossing, have a difficult time accessing the sites between the teeth or can’t break through the sticky film, don’t aerate those sites, and don’t neutralize the acid.

Flossing Does Not Aerate the Site Nor does it Neutralize the Acid

The American Dental Society reports that only 5% of the population flosses their teeth. Drawbacks to flossing are possible gum lacerations and the floss can act as a contaminant bringing infection from one tooth to the other. Flossing does not aerate the site nor neutralize the acid.

Tooth Brushing Causes Abrasions  and has its Drawbacks

Tooth brushing is over aggressive on the cheek-side surfaces of teeth causing toothbrush abrasion and ridges along the gum line, resulting in sensitivity to hot and cold, while still not accessing in between the teeth. Tooth brushing also does not aerate the sites to change the environment.

There is a Better Solution to Clean Your Teeth, The Dental Air Force

It’s not easy to keep the population of bacteria in the mouth low and your teeth really clean. Meticulous routine twice daily cleaning is necessary. Professional cleanings at least twice a year assist in this task. The effort it takes will facilitate your overall health. There is lots of evidence suggesting that one way to live longer is to clean your teeth better.

Using the Dental Airforce results in a more balanced and healthy mouth. Here’s what some of our clients have had to say about their experience with the total cleaning power of Dental Air Force.

Dr. Piero, a practicing dentist for over twenty-five years, is the inventor of Dental Air Force® (www.dentalairforce.com). Articles published are on periodontal health related to heart disease, respiratory health, diabetes, strokes, and other systemic diseases. He is the Executive Editor for Journal of Experimental Dental Science, a contributing author to Hospital Infection Control: Clinical Guidelines and soon-to-be published book, Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is.


Dental Problems Linked To Heart Disease and Diabetes

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The Dental Air Force is a home dental cleaning system that replaces tooth brushing and oral irrigation.Learn More

Dental Problems Linked To Heart Disease and Diabetes

Over the last ten years there has been a growing body of evidence linking periodontal disease and systemic diseases. Every day new research is making the link stronger. Periodontal infection is the advanced stages of gum disease that causes bone loss. The bone loss is irreversible. Gingivitis is the early stage of gum disease and with early detection, treatment and proper oral hygiene can be reversed. Periodontal infection has been associated with other systemic disorders that would not on the surface appear related.

A regular toothbrush breaks down after each us and harbors bacteria. The Dental Air Force is a complete dental cleaning solution available in the home. Dental Air Force eliminates hard-to-remove plaque and kills bacteria which causes periodontal disease.
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Periodontal disease is a potential risk factor for:

  • Infective Endocarditis (damaged heart valves)
  • Cardiovascular Diseases (Arteriosclerosis, Coronary thrombosis Ischemic heart disease, Stroke)
  • Diabetes
  • Respiratory Problems
  • Pancreatic Cancer
  • Behavioral and Psychosocial Status

Not only is there an indirect link between periodontal infections and systemic disorders, but periodontal disease is infectious or communicable and can be passed between family members.

It makes sense that infection in the mouth can find its way to other parts of the body. Initially it was thought that the bacteria in the mouth that cause periodontal disease were directly infecting different sites in the body, like the heart or lungs or artificial implants. This is true. However, there is more to it than that.

The body recognizes the bacteria in the mouth as a chronic infection and uses its defense mechanism to fight it. The body calls upon itself to manufacture blood constituents, such as neutrophils, eosinophils, and mast cells, to physically fight the infection. This process occurs with all infections. The problem is that as an infection becomes chronic, the body continues to manufacture these blood constituents, and release a pseudo hormone called c-reactive protein. It is this protein that inflames the internal walls of the arteries and compromises blood flow in areas that may have a predisposition.

Once you’ve used Dental Air Force, you’ll know you’ve found the best way to keep your teeth clean and white between visits to the dentist. Here’s what some of our clients have had to say about their experience with the total cleaning power of Dental Air Force.

Patients With Periodontal Disease Are 2 Times More Likely To Have Cardiovascular Disease

The Research, Science and Therapy Committee of The American Academy of Periodontology (AAP) 1998 reviewed numerous studies and found periodontal disease and gingivitis as potential contributing factors for infective endocarditis (damaged heart valves), cardiovascular diseases (atherosclerosis, coronary thrombosis, ischemic heart disease, stroke), diabetes, respiratory disease, and behavioral and psychosocial status. Patients with periodontal disease have a 1.5 – 2.0 times greater risk of incurring a fatal cardiovascular disease. “Importantly, dental infections appear to increase the risk of coronary artery disease to a degree similar to the classical risk factors for cardiovascular disease including age, smoking, diabetes, hypertension and elevated serum triglycerides.”

Managing Gum Disease will Help Manage Diabetes

Diabetics are more susceptible to contracting infections, which is the likely reason they are more apt to have periodontal disease than those without diabetes. In fact, the AAP considers periodontal disease the sixth complication of diabetes and states that controlling this gum disease may help you control your diabetes.

Some 16 million Americans suffer from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), and it is the sixth leading cause of death in the United States. F. Scannapieco, D.M.D., lead researcher of a study published in January 2001 Journal of Periodontology, found that patients with periodontal disease have a 1.5 times greater risk of COPD. (http://www.joponline.org/doi/abs/10.1902/jop.2001.72.1.50?prevSearch=allfield%3A%28copd+periodontal+disease%29&searchHistoryKey=)

This means that if you have diabetes, heart disease, potential for strokes, COPD, pancreatic disease, kidney disease you have poor circulation to these sites. The periodontal disease can push this problem into a more severe and even life threatening situation. The National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) (http://www.nidcr.nih.gov/) states, “Gum disease is a threat to your oral health. Research is also pointing to possible health effects of periodontal diseases that go well beyond your mouth.” If you are interested in longevity, keep your teeth impeccably clean.

The Home Dental Cleaning System that Helps Manage Diabetes

There are other systemic problems associated with periodontal disease. Want to learn more on how to manage periodontal disease and the problems that it can cause? I have designed and developed a home dental cleaning system that uses the technology of the professional Prophy-Jet to power wash between your teeth and around the gum line.

The Dental Air Force is a home dental cleaning system that replaces tooth brushing and oral irrigation.
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I invite you to sign up for my articles at http://dentalairforce.com


Dental Problems Often Cause Bad Breath

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Speak with confidence. The Dental Air Force is a home dental cleaning system that eliminates and prevents bad breath.
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Dental Problems Often Cause Bad Breath

The Direct Link between Bacterial Plaque, Bad Breath, and Dental problems

Bad breath or halitosis, dental decay, periodontal disease, and gingivitis are all caused by the anaerobic bacteria that live in the mouth. Anaerobic means living in the absence of air. These types of bacteria are mostly pathological.

  • Bad breath is the odor produced by bacteria living off food particles, each other and dying tissue. Bad breath can also be caused by other more serious health issues. An example of this is diabetes that can cause acidosis which in turn causes bad breath.
  • Dental decay is actually caused by the acidic excrement from the bacteria. The tooth is literally being dissolved by chronically being bathed in this acid.
  • Gingivitis is the inflammation of the gums caused by your own body trying to fight off the invasion of the bacteria.
  • Periodontal disease (perio = around, and dontal = tooth) is the loss of bone and tissue attachment around the tooth. It is caused by a microbial invasion around the tooth by anaerobic bacteria.

Odors and acids are produced in the film of plaque that resides between teeth, along the gum line and on the surface of the tongue. The plaque is produced by the bacteria. Poor oral hygiene cannot keep the population of bacteria under control, resulting in bad breath. Cleaning teeth twice daily is the minimum requirement for reducing the population of bacteria. However, meticulous cleaning is difficult. Tooth brushing does not access in between teeth and often causes ridges and grooves along the gum line. Oral irrigating does not cut through the sticky greasy barrier the plaque produces.

A regular toothbrush breaks down after each us and harbors bacteria. The Dental Air Force eliminates odor causing bacteria. Fight back against plaque and bad breath with the Dental Airforce.
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Causes of Bad Breath – Usually Poor Hygiene is Culprit

Infections from dental decay, gingivitis, or periodontal disease also cause bad breath. Again, poor oral hygiene is the biggest factor in these infections. Improper flossing will take an infection from one part of the mouth and inoculate a health part. The infections also produce dead tissue, which adds to the smorgasbord feeding the bacteria. The gasses given off is what you smell.

There are other factors that feed the bacteria besides food and infection. Smoking, mouth breathing, alcohol-based mouthwashes and certain medications also increase dry mouth. Reduced saliva does not allow your mouth to remove the bacteria that cause the odor.

Finally, the bad breath odor may be from sources other than the oral cavity. Some medical conditions cause bad breath. Infections in the lungs, nasal cavity or sinuses can cause an odor that is associated with bad breath. Bad breath in diabetics is a rather common occurrence. And finally, less likely, but still possible, bad breath can be associated with certain conditions related to malfunctioning kidneys and some cancers.

Once you’ve used Dental Air Force, you’ll know you’ve found the best way to stop bad breath in it’s tracks. Dr. Piero stands by his innovative design and is confident you will too.

How to Reduce Bad Breath and Manage Periodontal Disease

Want to learn more about how to reduce bad breath, have a white, healthy smile and manage periodontal disease? I have designed and developed a home dental cleaning system that uses the technology of the professional Prophy-Jet to power wash between your teeth and around the gum line.

I invite you to sign up for my articles at https://dentalairforce.com


Biofilm – The Microbial Zoo in Your Mouth

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The Dental Air Force is a home dental cleaning system that replaces tooth brushing and oral irrigation. Learn More

Biofilm and The Microbial Zoo in your Mouth

There is a microbial zoo having a party in your mouth. These microbes are constantly being fed by the carbohydrates and tissue proteins that reside in your mouth. Poor oral maintenance explodes the number of microbes at the party. It’s like having a sign outside your house offering “free beer”. This zoo full of microbes is sophisticated. Using chemical mediators, hormones, and prostaglandins, the microbes “talk” to each other. They share genes with each other and us. They mutate and generally wreak havoc. They fight feed, form gangs, and prey on other organisms and our bodies. It’s the party that is out of control.

There are two reasons you need to crash this party

Number one – teeth and gums:

Teeth and gums are prone to biofilm infections causing caries, gingivitis, and periodontal disease. Fifty percent of the population over 35 and 70% over 65 has periodontal disease. Symptoms of this infectious disease are sore, bleeding and inflamed gums, loose teeth and bad breath. The microbial zoo in your mouth is so resilient that after vigorous teeth cleaning by a dentist, it takes only about 10 days and you have all the bacteria back, well organized, and ready to start creating disease again. After home brushing and flossing, it only takes about three hours for the party to start again.

Number two – infection and diseases in your body

We are the life supply of nutrients to the organisms that live in our mouths and we ingest them. These unwanted party-goers are involved in chemical warfare. They are parasites mostly to each other, and stressful to you. These microorganisms “modulate” or turn on and turn off genes. They have the power to a) modulate their own genes, b) the genes across species of the organisms they live with and c) the genes in you (i.e.: genes that resist antibiotics and genes that are responsible for thousands of biochemical reactions in our body and even cancer genes.) These microorganisms embed themselves and burrow into our tissue where our body recognizes them as infectious – indeed they are. They travel in our blood vessels contributing to strokes, heart attacks, diabetes and other systemic diseases.

Over 80% Of Infections in the mouth are Due to BioFilm

A regular toothbrush breaks down after each us and harbors bacteria. The Dental Air Force is a complete dental cleaning solution available in the home. Dental Air Force eliminates hard-to-remove plaque and kills bacteria which causes periodontal disease.
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The US National Institutes of Health has estimated that approximately 80% of problem infections are attributable to biofilms. The most devastating infections that threaten the world today don’t come on quickly; they slowly fester, often until it’s too late to address the health consequences. Microbial sores threaten the elderly, wheelchair-bound, diabetics and more and more are persistent infections that commonly take hold around catheters, stents, synthetic heart valves, prosthetic implants, and teeth.

Procrastination with dental care gives the microbial zoo plenty of time to fester and party in your mouth, leading to the inevitable; an impaired immune system, liver, heart, and lung diseases, and of course, tooth decay and eventually tooth loss. Losing teeth may be the least problem infection can cause. The other side effects can eventually lead to loss of life. So crash the party and kick out the microbial zoo in your mouth with three-month professional cleanings and twice daily home dental care.

Once you’ve used Dental Air Force, you’ll know you’ve found the best way to keep your teeth clean and white between visits to the dentist. Here’s what some of our clients have had to say about their experience with the total cleaning power of Dental Air Force.


The Link Between Periodontal Disease and Diabetes

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The Dental Air Force is a home dental cleaning system that replaces tooth brushing and oral irrigation.Learn More

The Link Between Periodontal Disease and Diabetes

Diabetes affects about 24 million Americans or about 8% of the population. It is a disease that is characterized by high levels of blood sugar caused by malfunctioning insulin production. An insulin resistant individual becomes diabetic when the pancreas can no longer put out sufficient insulin to lower the blood sugar and the organ becomes exhausted.

The pancreas is controlled by hormonal feedback mechanisms. Acute and chronic infections create hormonal chaos in the body. Periodontal disease is the most widespread infectious disease on the planet, consequently provokes a great deal of chaos.

Blood vessels in a diabetic are also compromised. They thicken and slow the delivery of oxygen to the extremities. Likewise, they slow the removal of waste from these tissues. All of which lowers the defense to infection, including periodontal infection.

A Dentistry Today publication detailed the link between periodontal disease and diabetes. Those with diabetes have more severe periodontal issues and those with the oral disease have a more difficult time controlling their diabetes. The link is found in both adults and children. About 50 percent of children have periodontal disease according to the Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital at Stanford University Medical Center. Unfortunately, the symptoms of the disease are often not noticeable until the disease is advanced. A dentist can diagnose the disease in the early stages, prior to parents realizing their children have it. Thus, it is important that children with diabetes receive regular oral check-ups. It is recommended that diabetics who have periodontal disease should be treated for the periodontal infection.\

A regular toothbrush breaks down after each us and harbors bacteria. The Dental Air Force is a complete dental cleaning solution available in the home. Dental Air Force eliminates hard-to-remove plaque and kills bacteria which causes periodontal disease.
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Obesity is Significantly Related To Periodontal Disease

A study at the School of Dental Medicine at the University at Buffalo found that obesity is significantly related to periodontal disease through the pathway of insulin resistance. Sara Grossi, director of the UB Periodontal Disease Research Center and lead author of the study said, “Now we see a relationship between obesity, insulin resistance and periodontal disease in a large, population-based cohort. This relationship is significant because obesity is an important risk factor for Type 2 diabetes and heart disease.” (http://www.sdm.buffalo.edu/news/20000408_obesity.html)

Treating Periodontal Diseases saves the Diabetic Money

Not only is treating the periodontal disease good for the diabetic, it also can save money. A three-year study showed that the medical costs for diabetics went down when their gum disease was treated. This study looked at medical claims for patients with diabetes and periodontal disease and found patients with diabetes and who treated their periodontal disease saved almost $2500, compared to those who did not treat their oral issues.

Today, adults and children with diabetes have a better chance of keeping this disease under control. Besides diet, it also takes diligence and thoroughness in oral health. One of the best ways to do that is by using the Dental Air Force system, which combines tooth brushing and flossing, by cleaning between teeth and around the gums. (http://www.dentalairforce.com)

The DentalAirForce Is An Adjunct to Periodontal Therapy

Want to learn more about how to have a white and healthy smile and manage periodontal disease? Air Force Inc. has designed and developed a home dental cleaning system that uses the technology of the professional Prophy-Jet to power wash between your teeth and around the gum line.

Once you’ve used Dental Air Force, you’ll know you’ve found the best way to keep your teeth clean and white between visits to the dentist. Here’s what some of our clients have had to say about their experience with the total cleaning power of Dental Air Force.

I invite you to sign up for my articles at https://dentalairforce.com


The Pain In Your Abdomen Might Be Related To The Disease In Your Mouth

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The Dental Air Force is a home dental cleaning system that replaces tooth brushing and oral irrigation.Learn More

The Pain in Your Abdomen Might be Related to the Disease in Your Mouth
By P., Piero D.D.S.

A growing number of studies have found numerous links between periodontal disease, also referred to as perio or gum disease, and our overall health. One study published in the journal Fertility and Sterility and carried out at the University of Michigan Endometriosis Center acknowledged the possibility that there’s a association between periodontal disease and endometriosis. These conditions are both immune response impairments. With more than 4000 women participating in the study, the results showed that women with endometriosis had a 57% higher likelihood of having periodontal issues than those without it.

About Endometriosis

Endometriosis affects women of childbearing age and unfortunately, there is not an absolute cause for the condition. The source is a thickening of the outside area of the uterus that results in abnormal bleeding, pain and in some cases infertility. Treatment depends on age and if the patient is planning on getting pregnant in the future. Some treatment options are pain relieving medications, oral contraceptive and hormone treatment. Surgery is an option for severe cases and those having infertility management.

About Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease or gum disease affects people of all ages, gender and ethnic backgrounds. Its symptoms are often overlooked until the disease is serious. Bad breath, puffy, red or bleeding gums, painful chewing and loose teeth are some of the symptoms. Eighty percent of the population will have some form a periodontal disease in their lifetime. It is a chronic infection that inflames the tissues and arteries of the whole body – not just gums and teeth. Prevention requires impeccable oral hygiene. Treatment requires the care of a dentist.

A regular toothbrush breaks down after each us and harbors bacteria. The Dental Air Force is a complete dental cleaning solution available in the home. Dental Air Force eliminates hard-to-remove plaque and kills bacteria which causes periodontal disease.
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The Periodontal Disease – Endometriosis Connection

It is unclear of why there may be a connection between periodontal disease and endometriosis. The University of Michigan’s researchers came to the conclusion that, “Although it is conceivable that the multifactorial development of endometriosis may be augmented by an immune response to an infectious agent, the potential underlying link between endometriosis and periodontal disease may be a generalized, global immune dysregulation.”

References: (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18394619), http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2674278/

As with so many other studies on the link between periodontal disease and other systemic diseases, this study is another strong indication that gum disease has an effect on overall health. It’s important that women visit a dental professional regularly. I recommend every 3 months for those wanting to get pregnant, having a high risk of breast cancer, diabetes, endometriosis or having any gum disease present.

Once you’ve used Dental Air Force, you’ll know you’ve found the best way to keep your teeth clean and white between visits to the dentist. Here’s what some of our clients have had to say about their experience with the total cleaning power of Dental Air Force.

flossing doesn't work

First Flossing and Now Brushing Doesn’t Work

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As reported in August 2016, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services no longer recommends flossing as a daily oral hygiene routine. They did this because the benefits of flossing have not been substantiated by clinical studies. According to an ADA survey only 5% of the population floss (reference: Perio Reports: Compendium of Current Research, Trisha O’Herir and Jean Suvan). A published study in the Journal of Clinical Periodontology stated that those that do floss, only 18-35% of the plaque are actually removed. In addition, according to Emeritus  Professor Robin Seymour, from Dental Sciences at Newcastle University, flossing your teeth can be a waste of time because most people are doing it incorrectly


The Europeans one-upped us on this in December 2015. To quote the European Federation of Periodontology, “Dental floss is not effective in plaque removal or in reducing inflammation in patients with periodontitis. This important conclusion will see future changes in the way oral-health professionals conduct and advise hygiene in patients.”


One other thing about flossing is that flossing contaminates the string and moves the organisms of periodontal disease from an unhealthy site to healthy sites. Traumatizing the tissue allows the organisms to enter the bloodstream.


Now there is a dentist that says brushing teeth doesn’t work either. Dr. Piero, a practicing dentist, the former Executive Editor for Journal of Experimental Dental Science, a contributing author to Hospital Infection Control: Clinical Guidelines and number one selling author “Never Brush Your Teeth Again!”, describes in detail why this is so. He says, “The evidence of this has been presented by the Center for Disease Control. They report that 50% of those that are 35 years old and 70% of those over 65 years have periodontal disease. The toothbrush obviously doesn’t do an adequate job in combatting this systemic, infectious, inflammatory and co-morbidity problem…not to mention bad breath.” Would you get on an airplane if only 50% of the time you made it to your destination? “The toothbrush no longer passes as acceptable.”


According to Dr. Piero the toothbrush is a 200 year old archaic device. The electric ones are still just a brush. They are just more abrasive and destructive than a manual one. They create grooves or crevices along the gum line, exposing the root surface which then causes sensitivity to hot, cold, sweet or sour. Not doing a thorough job leaves bacteria on the teeth and around the gums where they multiply exponentially in a few hours, resulting in plaque build-up.


There needs to be a disruptive technology – like cell phones were – to eliminate tooth brushing. A tooth brush cleans well exposed surfaces of the teeth extremely well. However, it does not access between the teeth and below the gum line where the pathogens live and are being fed by our constant carbohydrate diet. These pathogens, depending upon an individual’s immune response, create an inflammatory cascade of events that affect our heart, brain, liver, pancreas, kidney and all organs of the body. Periodontal disease is a systemic vascular disease. Often this association has been reported in the press. This is not to say periodontal disease is “causal”. Dr. Piero does not use the word “causal”. All disease is multi-factorial. Meaning it depends on genetic pre-disposition, environment, diet, exercise, and other immuno-compromising health issues.
Dr. Piero invented Dental Air Force® (www.dentalairforce.com) it is the only device  the FDA ever approved for marketing  in the history of dentistry to replace a toothbrush. It utilizes a jet-stream technology of air, water and cleaner to eliminate tooth brushing and cleans between teeth and below the gum line. Microbial studies show a 500% reduction in pathogens down the periodontal pocket. In one study using Dental Air Force versus toothbrush  on diabetic patients, it showed a reduction in HbA1c (diabetic blood marker) by over 1% in conjunction with periodontal therapy, over periodontal therapy alone, even after 6 months.

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